The community of builders you need to succeed.

Join a community of driven builders, discuss ideas and ship your dream product.


Do you have a product idea but lack the
motivation to launch?



Discuss ideas, gather feedback and learn from other community members. Discover best practices, stay accountable and expand your network.



Monetize your product and create an additional income stream for yourself or sell your product and move on to the next! The choice is yours.



Convert your dormant ideas into real products. Leverage our community to gain traction for your shipped product.


Our members love Just Ship It Club.

We're sure you will too!

$5/month after one week free trial ends

What's included with Just Ship It Club?

Active and supportive Discord community 🤝

Stay up to date with your fellow makers of products like Belief Capital, Nomad Stories, etc to get feedback and celebrate each others wins.Whether you're launching something new, having trouble with an existing project, or just want to chat and have fun, the Just Ship It club has your back.

Weekly AMA sessions with prolific makers & indiehackers 🔥

Join our weekly AMA sessions with prolific makers and indiehackers to learn and get inspired to build and launch your product.

$5/month after one week free trial ends

No Code Bootcamp

Build A Side-Hustle Using No-Code
In 2 weeks!

© 2021 All rights reserved. Terms of Use. Privacy Policy .

No-Code Bootcamp

14th Jan'23 - 27th Jan'23


    Build A Side-Hustle Using No-Code
    In 2 weeks!

    14th Jan

    Introduction & basics of No-Code

    No-code enables non-developers/ to build custom apps without having to write a single line of code. In this session, we will learn about various no-code tools being used to build products.

    15th Jan

    Building a website with Carrd

    Carrd is a simple, free, fully-responsive one page site builder. In this session you'll learn how to make amazing Carrd sites in minutes.

    16th Jan

    Create a Directory App with Glide

    In this session, you'll learn how to build a simple but effective directory app from a Google Sheet, in only a few minutes, using Glide app

    17th Jan

    Run automation using Zapier & Integromat

    Zapier & Integromat are fun systems designed to automate systematic tasks between systems.In this session, you'll learn how to automate tasks and stop wasting time!

    18th Jan

    Gumroad for No-Coders

    In this session, you'll learn how you can use Gumroad to sell your microSaaS subscription as well as information products.

    19th Jan

    Figma crash course

    Figma is a UI/UX design and prototyping tool. In this session you'll learn to use Figma to design a website with multiple pages, interactions and animations.

    20th Jan

    Build a marketplace using Softr & Airtable

    In this session, you'll learn how to create a multivendor marketplace website from scratch using Softr & Airtable.

    21st Jan

    Create interactive multi user app using Bubble

    In this session, you'll learn how to build an interactive app on Bubble using clone or template as well as from scratch.

    22nd Jan

    Build chat bot using Landbot

    Learn how to create a Landbot Chatbot from start to finish. You'll learn how to create messages, create variables, store user inputs and send emails to the chatbot owner.

    23rd Jan

    Create info product using Notion or Coda

    Learn how to optimise boards, tables, gallery, tables and lists inside of Notion to create a stellar information product.

    24th Jan

    No-code idea jam

    Participate in an idea jam with the no-code community to share your no-code product ideas and learn from others. Also, find the right person to collaborate with on your idea in a fun mixer.

    25th Jan

    Community led product building

    Learn how to use community to test your product idea, get feedback, iterate and build an MVP.

    26th Jan

    Launching your product on Product Hunt

    Learn best tips, tricks and tactics for a perfect Product Hunt launch.

    27th Jan

    Selling your product on MicroAcquire

    Learn how to list your product on to get best offers from potential buyers.

    Do we change lives?

    Learn To Build Using No-Code Tools